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Monday, May 2, 2016 RAIN

I went back home on a mission. A mission to detach, detox and deprogram and yeah get some awesome nature shots in the process. So I packed my camera, got on a matatu and was home in a few hours. By the time I got there I was pumped, I was ready, my trigger finger was itching to shoot but I had to wait till the next day because by the time I arrived twas abit late and from the looks of things, rain had just fallen and the air was still full of promise of the showers to come.

The thing about my home town is that when it rains, it raaains. The area is a semi arid region located in the tsavo on the border of Kenya and Tanzania and the thing about such places (semi-arid) is that there are alot of seasonal rivers that could really get crazy on rainy seasons. So basically, when it rains, mobility is kinda limited.

Don't get me wrong, I love the rain. Rain to me is mother nature's way of watering her children and nature as a whole. I find rainy days awesome days for reflection and mental cleansing. The sweet melody of the droplets landing on any and all surfaces, the smell of wet everything, the temperatures that make you coil up and maintain that heat....everything about rain to me is just therapeutic.

Be still. be still and listen, mother nature is speaking. Sit still, keep quiet and listen. She is trying to get your attention. She has a message for you. A message to make you better. A message only for you. Hidden in the silence behind the noise. Just be still and listen.

Thank you for stopping by.
13 love.